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2 Bay Area Counties Enter Less Restrictive ‘Red’ Tier



AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File

Marin and San Mateo counties have moved from the ‘Purple’ Tier into the less restrictive ‘Red’ Tier on Tuesday.

As coronavirus rates continue to drop two Bay Area counties lead the way to reopening, hopefully for good. San Francisco remains in the Purple Tier, but more counties may follow suit next week.

The Red tier allows:

  • Retail stores 50% indoor capacity
  • Museums and zoos: 25% capacity
  • Gyms: 10% indoor capacity
  • Indoor dining allowed at 25% capacity
  • Movie theaters open at 25% capacity

Schools that haven’t reopened for in-person learning already can also file plans to reopen once they’re out of the purple tier for five days.

The move is the first major change since Governor Newsom pulled the ’emergency brake’ by moving 41 California counties into the most restrictive Purple Tier in December.

In order to move into the ‘Red’ Tier, a county must show that its percent positivity rate is 5-8% and its average daily new cases over seven days dropped to 4-7 per 100,000.

In addition, counties aiming to move tiers they must do the following:

Requirements to Advance Tiers:

  • 21 day mandatory wait time between moves
  • Meet metrics for next tier for 2 straight weeks
  • Counties only move 1 tier at a time
  • Assessed weekly

Requirements to Move Back Tiers:

  • Fail to meet the current tier’s metrics for 2 straight weeks
  • Emergency brake for concerning factors like hospitalizations